Burnt Truffle

Burnt Truffle – Heswall, Wirral
Visited July 2016
Price: ££
My Verdict: *****

After an amazing first date at Burnt Truffle, Will and I decided to go back and we weren’t disappointed!

If you’re looking for delicious upmarket bistro food at a reasonable price then this is the place for you. All the food is sourced fresh and made in their kitchen.

For starter I had homemade pate, chutney and brioche. (I had this the previous time we visited and loved it that much I had to order it again!) the pate was super smooth, and in my opinion, you can’t beat fresh, warm bread! Will had tuna tartare, I can’t tell you how it tasted but it also looked delicious.


Mains next, and I had duck served with truffle Parmesan chips. I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it was. So tasty! The meat was tender and each of the individual parts of the dish complemented each other so well. Will had octopus with squid ink and paella.. I’m not a massive fan of octopus myself but it looked incredible!


Lastly but definitely not least, dessert. I’m a serious chocoholic, so it had to be hot chocolate pudding with popcorn and vanilla. Another course which I loved. Wills dessert was strawberries, baked yoghurt, elderflower granita and pistachio.


Overall the service was great, and the food lived up to expectations! This is one of my favourite local restaurants and I would definitely visit again.

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